(Syn)Tactics in Fight Scenes
Readers need mental “take a breath” moments in a fight scene. Like swimmers holding their breath, eventually they need to come up for air.
(Syn)Tactics in Fight Scenes
Avoid Self-Awareness
Take Your Time to Publish
Constructing Show, Don't Tell
Deeper Than "Show, Don't Tell"
Secrets of "Show Don't Tell"
Write Small
Master Your Dialogue
Dialogue & Building Character
Top Five Dialogue Techniques
Because I Like It
It's About Story
Thinking 4th Dimensionally
Grammatical Time Travel
Subtracting Time
The Immediate Flashback
Suspending Disbelief
Word-Time & Real-Time
Forcing Characters
Trusting Implications
Want to See More
Struggle Happy & Embrace Conflict
Starting a Novel: The Pantser & The Planner
Write What You Know