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Blue Square

Novel Editing

Blue Square's  Business Model

Blue Square Writers Studio provides professional editing and consultation services for fiction and creative non-fiction. I earned my Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, have published several short stories in national literary magazines, and am a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association. Because I'm a writer and an editor, my services are unlike any other.  I understand and empathize with the nuances and struggles inherent to the craft of writing.  I tailor each project to specifically fit your styles and needs, providing personalized expertise to your project. I'm here to help you become a better writer while on your way to publishing a great book. 

I pride myself on my individual, personalized service, and handle any and all aspects of the writing process. Whether you need guidance in starting your novel, brainstorming a stalled idea, putting the final polish on your finished book, or writing query letters to agents, Blue Square can help. Since 2012, I have worked with clients from all walks of life, with all genres of writing, and I have a long list of satisfied customers. I work to establish long-term relationships with all of my writers, and many of my clients publish their work and continue on to write second and third books with Blue Square.

I edit in two distinct ways:


First, I provide in-text edits. With this, I make any grammatical, spelling, or mechanics corrections that are required – i.e., the typical copy editing. If there are repeated errors, I'll teach you how to fix them. I also interact with the text like a normal reader. I write comments on the manuscript (digitally, using Word's Comment feature), ask questions, make comments, and let you know how I'm reading, on a sentence-by-sentence level, what you've written. I focus on both major and minor issues, offer suggestions and fixes, and also compliment what you're doing well.


Second, I give you a write-up (~6 single-spaced pages) addressing overall issues, compliments, and suggestions. In this write-up I detail big-picture and whole-book concepts and how you can best handle them. I offer mini-lessons and explanations on writing craft that is specifically focused on your style and project. After I've returned the manuscript to you, I'm also available to answer any questions or clarify any comments – anything to help you take the next steps with your work. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What format should I send the manuscript?


A: Please submit your manuscript formatted in Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced, and 1-inch margins. This is the same formatting literary magazines and agents usually require, and so we try to set our writers up to meet their demands too. 


Q: Do I need to have specific word processing software?


A: Nope! I prefer to work in Microsoft Word, but if you don't have that word processor there are many other options we can explore together. Just let me know when you schedule an editing time.


Q: Can I schedule my editing right away?


A: Blue Square Writers Studio is popular. Sometimes I have immediate openings, but usually I book clients around 3-4 weeks in advance, and operate on a first-come, first-served basis. The earlier you contact Blue Square, the earlier we can schedule your editing.


Q: How much will editing cost?


A: Just $3.50 per page. That's about half the price suggested by the Editorial Freelancers Association and significantly less per-page than most of our competitors. I have no hidden fees or unexpected costs.


Presuming a typical 250-page novel:

Other Company: Start-up fees $60-100 before per-word costs
Other Company: Flat fee: Up to 65,000 words for $
Other Company: $.02/word copy-edits only = $1,3

Other Company:$.035/word for developmental edit = $2,275

Blue Square Editing: full developmental editing = $875


Q: Can I send money with Venmo?


A: Yup! Venmo is my preferred method of payment (long with Zelle and PayPal). I've found them all to be secure, fast, and convenient. If finances are an issues, we can easily work out a payment plan that works for you. As stated above, my business model is to build a long-term relationship, so I'm as flexible as my clients need me to be.


Any more questions? Please contact me:

Quick Steps to Editing

1) Contact me below

2) Set your start date

3) Email your manuscript

4) Relax while I edit

5) Receive edits and write-up

6) Ask any questions needed

Thank you for contacting Blue Square Writers' Studio. We'll be in touch with you very shortly.

Christopher Cervelloni

Executive Editor

Christopher earned his BA in English Education and has been teaching English for more than a decade. He earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Rutgers University and has published sixteen stories in a variety of  national literary magazines. He currently lives in Denver. When he's not writing or reading, he's off somewhere in the mountains. Check out some of his stories below.


Rivet Journal

Fogged Clarity



The Crab Orchard Review

The MacGuffin

The Barcelona Review

Contact Christopher:

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